Friday, April 3, 2009

An Empty Vessel

Good evening folks. Some of you already know me by my other blog Burning Cocoons. This is my new blog where I talk about spirituality. I am what some people like to call a "fluffy" pagan. I'm pretty removed from using incorrect terminology, like Wicca (which is descriptive of a fertility cult, which includes initiations, and lineage, and cannot be used for a solitary person such as myself). So why then am I calling myself fluffy? Mainly because I haven't learned ANYTHING about my beliefs. I haven't really looked into pagan traditions, to draw from them and learn and grow. I haven't thought deeply about what religion even is.

I've practiced witchcraft(proper definition?) using made up rituals, and quietly feeling and attempting to manipulate energies. This isn't bad per-say but I think I can learn a lot more by learning the craft, and knowing what I'm doing. I believe I'll be able to learn more FROM witchcraft as well, as my primary goal in practicing, is to poke and prod at the nuts and bolts of it, and discover esoteric secrets about the metaphysical.

Finally as with my transition, as a transsexual woman, I want to record a before and after, to give other people a solid example of what reading, research, experimenting, and learning does for me as a spiritual being. I'm starting over, as a pagan, as a witch, as a human. I'm willing to tear down and rebuild my entire system of beliefs from scratch, so this is going to be an exiting journey. Tonight I'm what's known as an eclectic neopagan. When this is over, maybe I'll be something completely different.

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